Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Quick One While He's Away

The inherent paradox of work-related travel is that it involves interesting destinations, but leaves no time for exploration. On such trips, I usually go alone and travel light - this means leaving the photography equipment at home, since it is certain to not be used. Recently, work took me to Savannah, Georgia. I took a (decent) point-and-shoot along. During the trip, I found a few moments to walk around a few sections of this old Southern town. Time and equipment restrictions meant I could not wait for light, angles, composition or any of the things needed for 'good' photography.

I found this oddly liberating. It eliminated regrets about not capturing or about messing up the perfect shot, because there was no perfect shot to be had! Since I was reduced to being a 'tourist', I sank my teeth into the role and tried to take "I was here" pictures, but as artistically/tastefully as was possible.
The pictures here are my favorites from the trip. By no means my best or most thoughtful work - this was the 'fast-food' equivalent of photography.
But then, even the finest gourmet loves the occassional cheeseburger...


  1. by the way, did you run into Paula Deen on the street? If so, I suggest you go get a complete lipid profile done first thing Monday morning. Just looking at her is unhealthy!

  2. Didn't run into her, but I did have lunch at her restaurant. I think there was butter in the iced tea! !

  3. Hahahah! Ipsit, I agree with Aditya, complete lipid profile is in order!

    Great pictures btw, I love the one with the flowers!
