Sunday, March 21, 2010

A photo of a photo is a photo

This week I had an exhibition of a few of my paintings, some of which included ink jet photo transfers. These works give me an opportunity to combine two of my major interests-photography and painting. Whether this mixed medium proves to be successful or not remains to be seen.
This gave me an idea, if I am transferring the photos onto paintings, why not transfer photos themselves onto blank boards? This would present the photograph in a different way. As an art gallery owner recently told me, any amount of manipulation, be it digital or darkroom, should be taken advantage of, as it is the final product that really matters.

For me, these works are an extension of this concept. What tends to happen is that some of the image doesn't get transferred onto the board, and you are left with what I think is more vintage look, as if it has faded or been neglected over time. The photographs here are taken of the final works, hence the title. This series reflects three different doors, taken in three different places around the world, each opening a new possibility.